Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Well, I've flaked on the followup of my previous post.  I know, I know.  My day job has been rather intense lately.  I apologize.

However, I do want to share one unrelated thing.
Did anyone ever play the game "Hard Drivin'" when they were a kid?  Well, I did, and I was obsessed with it.  It was challenging, addictive, exciting, and fun.  (As an aside, I recently had an opportunity to play it again at FunSpot in New Hampshire, and it was exactly as I remembered).

Anyhow, I've recently stumbled upon this.  Commence ridiculous awesomeness:

1 comment:

  1. Notice how when he changes gear, the 401cr pops up quickly to simulate a sudden reduction in the acceleration of the car. This is presumably easier than translating the entire unit forwards and backwards.
