Saturday, April 9, 2011

Maple Mead Recipe

For posterity, here's the maple mead recipe for the mead I started on 4/2/2011
  1. Sanitize
    • Carboy
    • Airlocks
    • Stoppers
    • Funnels
    • Measuring cups
    • Yeast delivery thing
    • thermometer
  2. Prepare
    • 4 cups maple syrup (equals 3.32 cups honey)
    • 0.68 - 0.75 cups honey
    • If desired, heat the must, stirring gently, to no more than 140 deg for about 5-7 minutes. This is my second batch, and I decided to do that for this batch.
  3. Fill up to about 4/5 with water. Don't completely fill the carboy! Remember that it's easier to shake the carboy to oxygenate when there's a bit of air available at the top.
  4. Add 1 tsp yeast nutrient and 1 tsp yeast energizer (I max these out when doing the maple because of concerns for mold)
  5. Heat 2oz of water to 100 deg F for yeast. I use a small glass cup for this.
  6. Add 1/4 teaspoon of the yeast to the water. I'm using Red Star Pasteur Yeast.
  7. Let sit for 15 minutes. Don't touch it!
  8. After 15 minutes, stir the yeast gently.
  9. Pitch yeast.
  10. Oxygenate for 5 minutes vigorously
  11. Add more water to fill to handle
  12. Measure brix: Should be 23-24%
  13. Place airlock and complete

After about 12 hours, it should be fermenting pretty intensely. Mine was bubbling at a little under twice a second near the beginning.

Now, if (what appears to be) green mold appears around the inside edge of the carboy, right above the level of the must, you should be fine. What I've done is use a cotton swab soaked in a mixture of chlorine and water (very little chlorine) and wiped that off, then put the stopper back in and allowed it to continue fermenting.  FYI, this only happened on my first batch, and didn't happen this time that I've heated the must.  Probably should heat the must from then on.  Unfortunate.

I'm not very sure if it's mold though. It may simply be maple syrup that vaporized off the top and then reformed around the edges.

I'll update this blog as the mead continues. It's still fermenting right now.

Below is a video of the mead after about 8 days of fermenting.  This is useful to compare rates of fermentation.  I think mine has been an extremely good fermentation so far.  I've tasted the mead and it's exceptionally clean - doesn't seem like the yeast struggled at all.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

(Not) Understanding why template specialization isn't available in C#

As usual, I've decided to use the blogosphere to crystallize my thoughts on how templates in C++ and C# differ. Specifically, why is there no such thing as template specialization in C#?

In C++, templates are instantiated fully at compile time. If no type uses a given template, it doesn't get instantiated.

For example,

template <typename T> T max( T a, T b ) {
  if ( a >= b )
    return a;
  return b;

Then in some client code,

int main(...)
  int maxarg = max(atoi(argv[1]), atoi(argv[2]));

At this exact point, the C++ compiler says, ah, here's a use of max where T=int, so I'll create a specialized int max( int a, int b ), and compile that.

In C#, the paradigm is slightly different. First of all they're called generics, not templates. Second, the above code (minus the C++-isms), will not work. Namely, the definition for max will fail to compile.

Compile, you say? Why is it compiling the templatized function? It doesn't compile until it's used, right? Wrong.

C# templates are compiled to be available for all types that match a particular constraint. For example, the function max, in C#, would look like:

class Math {
  static T Max<T>( T a, T b ) where T : IComparable<T> {
    if ( a.CompareTo(b) >= 0 ) {
      return a;
    return b;

Now, this is compiled into a dll or exe that exposes a definition of Max which allows IComparables to be pulled in. The only thing that makes this different from the following is that in the generic method, both a and b must be the same type.

class Math {
  static IComparable Max( IComparable a, IComparable b ) {
    if ( a.CompareTo(b) >= 0 ) {
       return a;
    return b;

So, in this sense, the Max function below is more general than the ComputeMax function, since the ComputeMax function requires a and b to be the same type.

public static IComparable Max( IComparable a, IComparable b )
  return a.CompareTo(b) >= 0 ? a : b;
public static T ComputeMax<T>( T a, T b ) where T : IComparable
  return (T)Max(a, b);

Now what is the difference between IComparable and IComparable<T>? It's the same as what we discovered earlier - the templatized form ensures that the comparison is always made to an object of the same type. Observing the definitions of IComparable and IComparable<T>...

namespace System {
    public interface IComparable
        int CompareTo(T other);
    public interface IComparable
        // Exceptions:
        //   System.ArgumentException:
        //     obj is not the same type as this instance.
        int CompareTo(object obj);

Note that IComparable.CompareTo asks that (but does not enforce that) CompareTo throws an exception if the passed in object is not the same type as this. And there we have it - that's the advantage of IComparable<T>. It ensures that, at compilation time, the types of the two items are the same.

Now with this knowledge, we are finally ready to answer why there is no template specialization in C#. And the answer is.... I still don't know. I think actually, that it was simply a design choice. All of the fluff on StackOverflow makes it seem like Microsoft knowingly decided that it wouldn't fit into the paradigm, but my impression is that it was too much work and they figured it wouldn't be very worthwhile.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Awesome :)

C# and the dynamic keyword

At my new job, I'm learning a lot about quite a few new technologies that I've never dealt with before, to name a few, C#, T-SQL, and FLEX.  As I've worked exclusively in the domain of C++ and Linux, this is quite a gear change for me.

One of the ways to get up to speed with C# is by perusing the book C# In a Nutshell, which is excellent.  As I was reading, I happened upon a curious component of the C# language:  the dynamic keyword.

Apparently, this keyword, simply put, forces type resolution to be deferred until runtime.  That's a bit of a hefty statement, considering that the whole point of statically typed languages (C# included) is to catch type errors at compilation time.

I have found one quasi-interesting use of this keyword.  It can do double-dispatching, though without all of the type safety.  Unfortunately, the lack of type safety causes this post to be merely interesting, not very useful.  Oh well.

Double-dispatching, if you recall, is a subset of multiple dispatching, in which two aspects of the method call are determined at run-time, rather than simply one.

Consider the following:

class MyObject {
    public virtual void MyMethod() {
class MyObject2 : MyObject {
    public override void MyMethod() {  
 MyObject obj = new MyObject2();
 obj.MyMethod(); /// Prints "MyObject2"

Ignoring the fact that this is a nasty violation of the DRY principle (we really shouldn't be hard-coding the type of the object - we should just use GetType()), this example illustrates single dispatching.  The true type of the object obj above is determined at run-time.  This is equivalent to the following:

MyObject_MyMethod( MyObject obj )

Here, it's more obvious that this is single dispatching, because the function has one argument whose type is determined at run time.

Now double dispatching would be something like:

MyObject_MyMethod( MyObject obj, OtherPolymorphicObject other ),

whereby we could supply all the MyObject_MyMethod's we want for all permutations of MyObjects and OtherPolymorphicObjects.

The way double-dispatching is typically done in statically typed languages is via the Visitor Pattern.  This is one of the most clever patterns out there, but it is also not very useful in the real world (surprise).

The general point of the visitor pattern is to accomplish double-dispatching by making two function calls.  That is, since our language only supports single dispatching, just make two method calls, each one performing a single dispatch.  And 1+1=2.

A very simple, silly Visitor example follows.  Consider Santa's workshop.  Each toy needs to be wrapped, but needs to be wrapped differently depending on the type of toy.

    interface IWrappable {
        void AcceptWrapper(Wrapper p);
    class TeddyBear : IWrappable {
        public void AcceptWrapper(Wrapper p) { p.WrapToy(this); }
    class Robot : IWrappable {
        public void AcceptWrapper(Wrapper p) { p.WrapToy(this); }
    class ToyCar : IWrappable {
        public void AcceptWrapper(Wrapper p) { p.WrapToy(this); }
    class Wrapper
        public void WrapToy(TeddyBear bear) {
            Console.WriteLine("Put in fancy bag with bow" );
        public void WrapToy(Robot robot) {
            Console.WriteLine("Wrap with wrapping paper");
        public void WrapToy(ToyCar car) {
            Console.WriteLine("Take wheels off car and put in box");
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Wrapper packager = new Wrapper();

            IWrappable packageable = new TeddyBear();

See how double dispatch is working here?  The TeddyBear object calls AcceptWrapper, whose sole purpose is to feed the type of the current object (TeddyBear) back into the Wrapper.

That last point is important - it's the most difficult aspect of the visitor pattern.  So I'll repeat it.

The purpose of AcceptWrapper is to feed the type of the current object (TeddyBear) back into the Wrapper.

This way, if there's no Wrapper method for a TeddyBear, a compilation error will be issued.

Now finally onto the gist of this post.  The dynamic keyword can reduce the amount of code above significantly, but also increase the potential of run-time errors, by supporting double-dispatching (really, multiple dispatching).


    interface IWrappable {
    class TeddyBear : IWrappable {
    class Robot : IWrappable {
    class ToyCar : IWrappable {
    class Wrapper
        public void WrapToy(TeddyBear bear) {
            Console.WriteLine("Put in fancy bag with bow" );
        public void WrapToy(Robot robot) {
            Console.WriteLine("Wrap with wrapping paper");
        public void WrapToy(ToyCar car) {
            Console.WriteLine("Take wheels off car and put in box");
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Wrapper packager = new Wrapper();
            IWrappable packageable = new TeddyBear();
Now the type of the packageable object is forced to be resolved at runtime.

But then - what if there's no WrapToy function for a TeddyBear?

Little Bobby won't be getting a Teddy Bear for Christmas.  Or perhaps he'll just be getting a Teddy Bear covered with dirt and snow and reindeer hoof marks.

Back to work: The Maple Mead Fiasco

The last post was a simply a hiccup in my blogging;  this post represents a San Andreas fault sized gap in my blogs.

There's a lot to talk about, so let me separate each item into individual blogs.  The first item is about my meads.

Last Saturday, I had a close friend over, and we decided to take a quick sneak peek at my Maple Lapsang Souchong Mead.  I had tasted it in the past, and it was delicious, but I wanted to show it off.  I had the glass carboy in the refrigerator because I was trying to clarify it... apparently that was a big mistake.

I took the mead out of the refrigerator, and as I was placing it on the island in the middle of my kitchen, the side of the bottle grazed the edge of the countertop.  This mere bump must have caused the bottle to resonate at precisely the right frequency, because the next second, the glass bottom of the carboy was on the floor and I was standing watching as a gallon worth of mead poured out of the bottom of the carboy.

It was all over in about 5 seconds.

It turns out that carboys are made from three pieces of glass - two sides, and one bottom.  I found a reasonable picture online which shows these three pieces:
The "cup bottom mold seam" is where the bottom separated from the other two pieces of glass.  Fun.

Well, I've started another maple mead, and it's fermenting like crazy.  I hope that it will be a much more enjoyable experience that my last maple mead :)